What is a BEE Certificate

A BEE Certificate is the end product of the B-BBEE verification process listing all critical information such as name, address and registration details of the company assessed, as well as the category, sector code, element scores and points as per the company’s BEE scorecard, and the issue date of the certificate. A BEE certificate is valid for 1 year from date of issue, and can be re-evaluated at any time during that year to potentially achieve a better score. Certificates are only valid when issued by a SANAS accredited verification agency.

Due to the BEE certificate being independent and credible, it is increasingly used to grow South African companies by using it to apply for tenders, provide to clients applying preferential procurement, registering for grants and loans, applying for licenses and so forth.

As there are many fraudulent BEE certificates produced by “bogus agencies”, always ensure your verification service provider is the same company listed on www.sanas.co.za. To improve this situation, the BEE Commission is opening up their portal, which is populated only by authentic rating agencies, to the public – watch this space!

Is your annual turnover <R10 million or are you a start-up in your 1st year? … find out more about EME/QSE Authentication Letters.

Is your annual turnover in the R10 – 50 million category? … find out more about Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE)

Does your annual turnover exceed R50 million? … find out more about the Generic BEE Scorecard

What is a BEE Certificate was last modified: July 27th, 2017 by Xcelerate