Small Enterprises (EMEs)
Exempt Micro Enterprises (EMEs) refer to all organisations that have the following ranges or are start-ups where the business has been registered in the prior 12 months:
Affidavits & Authentication Letter
The Revised BBBEE Codes do not allow any BBBEE Verification Agency, Auditor or Accountant to issue a BEE certificate for companies that are EMEs on this new legislation – only sworn affidavits are allowed. We are continuing to do EME certificates only for Sector Codes that have not been updated yet. Contact us on for the application form or more information.
The applicable sworn affidavits (General EME) and (Specialised EME) allows for the following levels to be achieved:
- 100% black-owned – Level 1
- 51 to 100% black-owned – Level 2
- <51% black-owned – Level 4. Should these companies wish to potentially score better, they can opt to be assessed as a QSE.
Specialised enterprises that cannot have the Ownership element assessed eg Higher Education, Non-Profit Companies, State-owned Entities, etc receive enhanced recognition due to the % beneficiaries that benefit:
- >75% black beneficiaries – Level 1
- 51 to 75% black beneficiaries – Level 2
- <51% black beneficiaries – Level 4. Should these companies wish to potentially score better, they can opt to be assessed on the Adjusted QSE Scorecard