The Revised BBBEE Codes was gazetted in 2013 and has been effective for almost a year now. Xcelerate Verification Agency has been successfully assisting clients with planning on the New BBBEE Codes, through many interventions, plans and assessments.
Many companies are finding that their first New Codes verification is resulting in a drop in levels or a non-compliant score. This is a result of various factors such as the introduction of 3 priority elements i.e Ownership, Skills Development and Enterprise and Supplier Development where failure to score 40% on these elements results in discounting a level, higher targets and new indicators. The ultimate tool to achieving a compliant and improved score is to plan, implement and track. Xcelerate offers clients a range of planning options including, Desktop/Scenario Assessments, Extended packages, Implementation plans, Tracking and advisory on the New BBBEE Codes.
Contact Xcelerate today on 0861 505 555 or email for more information
