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Name Change

Izikhulu BEE Ratings, operating as a verification agency since 2007, has recently undergone a formal name change to Xcelerate Verification Agency (Pty) Ltd.  Our accreditation body, SANAS, has since updated our name on their list of accredited facilities (, hence Izikhulu BEE Ratings is no longer reflected there.  This has given rise to the possible issue of our valid certificates issued under the Izikhulu name not being easily authenticated by checking on the SANAS website.  To reduce any inconvenience that may be experienced by our clients, we have prepared the attached letter as formal notification of this change which can be attached to the certificate or sent to any third party.  Our BEE certificates are now being issued under the Xcelerate Verification Agency name.  Feel free to contact our office on or 0861 505 555 for any queries.