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Name change from Izikhulu BEE Ratings to Xcelerate

Xcelerate Verification Agency (Pty) Ltd (Formerly Izikhulu BEE Ratings)

Looking forward to continue as your BBBEE Service provider in 2017

SANAS Accredited Verification Agency, Izikhulu BEE Ratings and IRBA approved BEE Auditor CPG Consulting, joined forces in 2016 to form Xcelerate Verification Agency.  Watch out for more of our new branding once SANAS lists us on their website.
Our vision is unsurpassed passion, ethics, expertise, and attention to boost our customers’ transformation and growth aspirations. The mission is to provide a highly ethical, reputable, streamlined and exceptional experience to our valued customers through effective communication, systems and a competent, motivated team. We continue to foster our core principles of Transparency, Responsibility, Professionalism, confidentiality and impartiality.
Have you effectively planned for the New BBBEE Codes? Early planning in your financial year is critical to avoid dropping levels on the New BBBEE Codes.
Contact us to learn more about how we assist with planning for the New Codes so you continue to score good BEE levels for your future certificates or email