Xcelerate Verification Agency – Empowering You!
- SANAS Accredited BBBEE Certificate with optimum scoring based on the evidence provided to us.
- A simple, streamlined process aimed to fully support you throughout the verification process whilst completing your certificate in the shortest possible timeframe.
- Exceptional delivery at competitive rates, providing you with a reliable and quality result whilst always maintaining the confidential and ethical requirements regarding your business information
SANAS Accredited Certificates
Optimal certification accepted nationally for company growth by winning tenders & preferential procurement.
BBBEE Software Tool
Accurate, tested tool to assist you in monitoring your own score, with our support.
BBBEE Training Workshops
Improved understanding and implementation of New Codes – for your management/staff or your suppliers.
We Are BBBEE Level 1
We are a Level 1 Empowering Supplier with 100% Black ownership and 30,16% Black women ownership with 135% procurement recognition.
We Offer Exceptional Service
Exceptional service at competitive rates, providing you with a reliable, quality result.